June 2024
Post-doctoral Research Associate in Immune Cell Biology & Tissue Repair
A 3-year Post-doctoral Research Associate position is available in the Weavers lab at the University of Bristol to start Summer or Autumn 2024.
The project is generously funded by the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine and will investigate "immune cell biology and tissue repair, and their dysregulation with age and disease”.
Further details of how to apply are here.
Application deadline: 3rd July 2024

May 2024
Fully funded 3.5 year PhD studentship for a 2024 start
The cell biology of renal ageing: Can a Drosophila-human pipeline find new therapeutic targets for kidney disease?
We have a fully funded 3.5 year PhD project available for an Autumn 2024 start , with the goal of identifying new molecular targets to help treat kidney disease.
Our group studies the cell biology that supports kidney function. We take a multi-disciplinary approach, integrating cutting-edge imaging, cell biology, ‘omics and genetics in the fruit fly, with biophysical, computational and human genetic epidemiology approaches. Recently, we discovered how specific renal cell types programme their metabolism to support kidney function (Holcombe and Weavers, 2023 Nat Commun).
Despite decades of pioneering research, the worldwide incidence of kidney disease is growing, making it the third-fastest-growing cause of death globally (Nature 628, 7-8 2024). This is largely because life expectancy is rapidly rising and there are more individuals suffering from health conditions (e.g. diabetes) that increase disease risk. In kidney disease, damage prevents kidneys from filtering the blood, meaning patients require weekly dialysis or transplant surgery. We must find better ways to identify and treat individuals who are most vulnerable to this disease, and to improve kidney transplant success.
This PhD project brings together a multi-disciplinary team of research scientists and clinicians. It is a unique opportunity to perform innovative inter-disciplinary research, combining cell biology (in fruit flies and human cells) with clinical samples, with the potential to transform treatments for people living with kidney disease. We will be guided by insight from clinical samples (linking donor biopsies with transplant outcomes), with our collaborator Dr Maria Kaisar (University of Oxford).
Informal enquiries are very welcome, by email to Dr Helen Weavers.
See advert here. To apply, please use the University of Bristol’s Postgraduate Application Portal. Please enter "Biochemistry (PhD)" with a start date of Autumn 2024.
Application deadline: 20th June 2024

November 2023
Fully funded 3.5 year PhD studentship for a 2024 start
Interested in dynamic cell and tissue responses to damage? Want to uncover the molecular mechanisms underpinning tissue repair and inflammation?
We have a fully funded 3.5 year PhD project available for a September 2024 start!
Our lab is interested in the fundamental mechanisms underpinning tissue repair and inflammation. How do damaged cells and tissues recover following injury? How do immune cells squeeze out from the circulation and navigate through complex 3D environments? We image these dynamic processes live at the subcellular level using state-of-the-art microscopy and use advanced genetics, cell biology and ‘omics to dissect the underlying molecular mechanisms. Our ultimate goal is to identify potential therapeutic targets for accelerating tissue repair and modulating inflammation in the clinic.
This PhD is a unique opportunity to learn skills in a wide-range of cutting-edge approaches. We will use the fruit fly Drosophila for unparalleled opportunities to explore the dynamics of tissue repair and inflammation live in vivo. The lab takes a multi-disciplinary approach, integrating state-of-the-art imaging, laser ablation, cell biology, ‘omics, biophysics and computational approaches (e.g. AI) and human genetic epidemiology.
Informal enquiries are very welcome, by email to Dr Helen Weavers.
See advert here. To apply, please use the University of Bristol’s Postgraduate Application Portal. Please enter "Biochemistry (PhD)" with a start date of Sep 2024.
Application deadline: 26th January 2024

September 2022
We are advertising a MRC GW4 PhD studentship for a 2023 start!
Interested in exploring the effect of microplastics on human health? Want to work on a multi-disciplinary collaborative project and learn state-of-the-art imaging and -omics approaches, using animals models as well as human cells?
We have an exciting, inter-disciplinary PhD project available on the brilliant MRC-funded GW4 DTP Programme for a September 2023 start. If you're interested in exploring the impact of microplastics on human and animal tissues, including the immune system, then please check out our project description here!
We will integrate in vivo animal models with in vitro analyses of human cells, and engage with chemists to test novel bioplastic alternatives. Please contact us if you'd like to hear more about our ideas!

November 2020
An exciting PhD project for September 2021 start!
Interested in state-of-the-art live imaging and genetic approaches in Drosophila and want to learn techniques in human genetic epidemiology?
We have an exciting fully-funded 3 year PhD studentship available for someone with a keen interest in studying inflammation or tissue repair. This is an exciting opportunity to work on an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional project in collaboration with Cardiff University and Bristol Population Health Science Institute.
Applications are now open! Please see our advert here.
I'm happy to receive informal enquiries by email if you want further details.

September 2018
Exciting PhD opportunity under GW4BioMedDTP for Oct 2019 start!
We have an exciting PhD project available on the GW4 BioMed DTP PhD scheme for someone with a keen interest in developmental biology, inflammation or tissue repair. This is an exciting opportunity to work on an interdisciplinary project integrating state-of-the-art imaging and genetics in Drosophila with human genetic epidemiology studies.
Applications will open on Monday 24th September 2018 and will close at 5:00pm on Friday 23rd November 2018.
Please see this link for further info and how to apply. I'm happy to receive informal enquiries by email if you want further details.

June 2018
Informal enquiries for PhD & postdoc positions welcome!
We are always keen to hear from anyone interested in working with us on projects integrating developmental biology, inflammation or tissue repair. Please get in touch if you want to find more about opportunities in the lab to work on interdisciplinary projects using state-of-the-art imaging and genetics in Drosophila together with human genetic epidemiology studies. I'm happy to receive informal enquiries by email.